When you arrive in an international school scene, it’s immediate community. You are swept up into a group and you choose how extended you wish to become but there are multiple opportunities for building connections. You have choice.
When you arrive in a new city with no instant community, no job to provide structure, and a blank canvas to begin shaping in your 60’s, it’s a different playing field. You need to start playing or painting, either one….but you can’t just sit on the sidelines.
Our shipment unpacked, our U haul adventure behind us, our couches ordered, and our new license plates set to arrive. We’ve managed first stages. Shifting furniture, managing recycling materials, purchasing a lawn mower, hanging pictures, etc. Our initial framework has kept us busy and occupied. What’s next? We’re five weeks into this…..
Two highlights from last week: We joined the Y. The YMCA in Asheville is a beehive of activity and we’ve made great use of the facility already. For me, the best part is the number of people playing basketball. Basketball has always been important to me. It defined me as a teenager in many ways. It has continued to be important in my life. I’ve played basketball everywhere I lived. I’ve played on adult teams in Vermont, Israel, and now Asheville. I’ve played pick up basketball on playgrounds and in gyms in Boston, New Delhi, and Jakarta. I love playing basketball! There’s mid-day pick up basketball for the over 55 crowd. Half court, minimal contact, basketball for those who love the game but have slowed down considerably. One guy playing is 79. He’s slower than me.
But, when I discovered a newly formed league for over 40 people was starting and I could sign up, I jumped at the opportunity.I paid my dues, but then some doubts arose. Is this too much to ask of my 63 year old frame. Anyway, I’m drafted, on a team, one of 6 teams with 8 or 9 players per team. I’m the oldest on my team……We had our first game on Tuesday Continue reading