This post is focused upon the portrayal of female teenagers in the media. There are two resources on this site. Being aware of the impact of the media and effects the media has on how girls self-perceptions is really important.
In browsing sites the other day my wife found this video and shared it with me, so I would share this with secondary school students. Have a look at the documents and videos on this post and consider the important messages they hold. How does the media impact young women?
A Girl’s Guide To Battling The Harmful Effects Of Mass Media from
In addition, take a look at this site. It is called Day of the Girl.
It is a site with excellent resources for teenage girls around the topic of the media. It is worth taking a look at and browsing as deeply as you wish to. There are many voices of teenage girls on the site.
In addition, there is a site dedicated to the film Miss Representation. We will be showing this movie at LCS in the future. It is a powerful movie. If you wish to know more about this film and explore the topic, google Miss Representation.